Omni ® Jr. 5410 by Tomy ® :This Remote Command Intelligent Robot is great. His eyes shine as he moves. Both eyes shine when moving forward. the right eye shines when he turns right and the left one lights when he moves left. When he goes backwards, the eyes are off. He receives ultrasonic signals from the controller. Press down either arm to have him talk. If he runs into something he changes direction. Pushing his bumper also makes him speak.
The remote control has both a manual control and a follow function that when set, will have Omni Junior follow the controller. The remote control is sonic based. His face also flashes. There is a bump guard on the front base which allows him to turn if he encounters another object and say "Oops", "Excuse Me", "Let's go", "Hello", and "I'm Omni Junior". 11" tall.