Electro "the Moto-Man" and Sparko from Westinghouse - - - Long before Robosimian or Pepper-kun were even conceived, thousands of people all around the US and eventually the world were entertained by Elektro, aka the “Westinghouse Motor Man”. Elektro has a strong claim to the title of, “world’s first humanoid robot” and was developed by engineer Joseph Barnett for the Westinghouse company. Elektro was first exhibited at the New York Expo in 1939, and was such a hit with the crowds, he was invited back the following year. Standing 6’ ft 10 inches (2.10 m) the impressive robot would go on to tour the world with his creator. With the tagline “He Walks, Talks, Smokes and Sings,” he was able to perform 26 different movements, with a vocabulary of 700 words. Commands were given via a telephone contraption and although he may appear primitive to our eyes, Elektro was truly out-of-this-world for the people of the time!
Unfortunately, Elektro didn’t get to enjoy a peaceful retirement, he was eventually dismantled and sold for scrap metal. His faithful companion Sparko, the dog, didn’t finish out much better, he was knocked down outside the Westinghouse office’s in 1957.
This Electro Information is brought to you through the Courtesy of: cyberneticzoo.com/Elektro – Joseph M. Barnett , 1937
This Sparko Information is brought to you through the Courtesy of: cyberneticzoo.com/Sparko the Robot Dog, 1940