Robopet TM by Wow Wee Ltd. - Your personal robot dog Robopet is a naturally active robot with strong personality and a mind of his own. When you turn him on he will autonomously explore his enviroment and perform actions and tricks as he wanders around. You can train his behavior with the training buttons on the remote controller. You can also directly control his actions and even program him.
Robopet TM can be guided around using "laser" targeting. Robopet is equipted with multiple sensors that allow him to explore his enviroment and respond to human instructions. Robopet can detect sharp, loud sounds. Robopet used his vision sensors to avoid obstacles while wandering around. Robopet has additional sensors to detect the edge of table when he is walking. He will make a small cry and back up. Robopet TM by Wow Wee Ltd.