Maze Breaker RobotTM by Silverlit ® - The Maze Breaker'sTM mobile application is called SpringRobots. You can use it whether you are on iPhone or Android, count 27MB of space necessary for its installation. The eyes of the Maze Breaker robot are equipped with LED's in three different colours that allow you to learn a little more about its mood: Red eyes: he is not happy and does not obey. Orange eyes: waiting for your orders. Green eyes: he is happy and executes. Different additional features to note for this Maze Breaker robot: Its sensors allow it to move in all directions and turn by detecting obstacles. He can interact and play with other Maze Breakers. It can record a sound and repeat it in robot mode, up to 3 recordings. He moves and dances by emitting sound effects/music.
Source: internet, My Collection, - Updated 04-14-2021