World of Robots is the leading manufacturer of robots for promotional purposes. Denby has full head rotation, both arms move independently, hand shaking, hands that open and close. He has complete mobility in any direction and bends from the waist. He also has a on board Audio and video system and a remote control system.
Creator : Ray Raymond - Advanced Robotics Corp
World of Robots Corporation
2335 E. High
Jackson, Michigan 49203
Tel 1-800-248-0896
Offices in 1982: Jackson Michigan, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, New York, London-England, and S.E. Asia
Special Thank's For The Contributions To:
Bob Doettl
VP. Operations/Manufacturing
World of Robots
Jackson, MI./Forest Hills, Ca
Links: 1st Class Entertainment Agency : - DENBY ROBOTS - The Robot with the electrifying personality. (U.K.)