Ding-A-Ling Robots by Topper Toys - Ding-A-Ling Robots were produced, each designed with unique functions and personalities. These were AnswerMan, Bank, Boxer, Brain, Chef, Claw, Constructo, Cowboy, Detecto, Fireman, Gofer, Jack in the Box, King-Ding, Policeman, Rocky, Shoeshine, Spy, Twirly and Mobile. All models were apparently included in various play sets in different combinations but most were available as individual purchases as were their power packs. Gofer is one of those few designs that incorporate human features. Gofer is one of the rarer of the Ding-A-Lings and have a tray and cup.
See the following links : http://www.topperdingalings.com http://www.collectiondx.com http://www.prestonmarketing.com |